Time for a break and news on the fake tenner

Dear all,
First things first, it’s Manchester half term this week so we’re taking a break. No sessions this week, we’ll be back on Monday 26th February.
Lost and hopefully to be found! Wednesday Early people, when we were dancing last week a silver ring – with a “twig” design – went missing at the back of the room where the buggies are. It wasn’t obviously anywhere on the floor when you’d all cleared at the end of the session, so best guess is that it dropped off and ended up in someone’s buggy or bags. If you could all have a quick search it would be really appreciated. Let’s see if we can re-unite the ring with its owner. Let me know if it turns up. Thanks in advance.
The results are in re fake £10 note. It took Nat West 17 days to come to a conclusion. They phoned me yesterday and said that the note was genuine – they’ve credited my account. When I asked they wouldn’t provide any further information on how the note had got in the state it had or why they were sure it was real. The problem this leaves me with – and potentially other small business people – is that Nat West’s note machine rejected it twice and the bank clerks were unwilling to accept the note as part of my takings. Does this mean that every time a new note manages to get into that state, it’s going to take over two weeks for the recipient to get credited? All a bit too much of a grey area for my liking.
I’ll be in touch towards the end of next week with details of subscription options etc. for the second half of the spring term.
I hope everyone has a good week.

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