Dear all,
I never imagined that I’d ever be saying this, (since to do this at any time over the past seven years would have been business suicide!), we are running a session tomorrow on Easter Monday, as well as on Wednesday and Friday this week. It just struck us here that since our target audience – 0-4 year olds, don’t really have much of a concept of Bank Holidays, and since you can’t exactly all be off visiting relatives or up a mountain, we might as well give it a go. It’ll be good to “see” whoever makes it along.
YouTube has robust – and good, child safeguarding policies in place. Because of this Live Chat is not available when content is designed for children. If you want to get a shout out, a Happy Birthday, to let us know where you’re joining us from, a specific animal for Old MacDonald, or just about anything else, please let us know by 9am on the day of a live stream. You can email us or text us on 07970 956575.
Below are the session links for this week. We ask for a minimum contribution of £3 for these sessions. Payment details at the bottom of this email/post. Please don’t pay until after the session has streamed successfully, but please do remember to pay at some point. Thanks in advance.
Monday 13th April at 10am
Wednesday 15th April at 10am
Friday 17th April at 10am
Some really good news from last week. We managed to stream three live sessions with good picture quality throughout. Please share this post/email with your relations and friends around the country, we’re looking forward to meeting new people!
Payment Details:
Please wait until we’ve successfully completed the session before paying. I would ask for a minimum contribution of £3 for these sessions. Preferably via PayPal to the following account:
N.B. if using Paypal, please check that the currency is selected as GBP (Great Britain Pounds). Please DO NOT tick the box “paying for goods or a service”. This is in effect an insurance when you’re buying something to be delivered and PayPal take a cut of the money you pay me for this.
Alternatively please pay via Bacs into my account:
Mr O J Little
Sort Code 56 00 23
Account no. 46974156
Please do note the following – this is important to me: If you are self-employed and suffering similarly catastrophic loss of income as most freelance musicians, please don’t feel obliged to pay for these sessions.
If you are on a block booking for regular sessions and you want to use them for the virtual sessions, please contact me and let me know each time you attend and I’ll keep a record of things.